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Movies about cyber attacks

Here’s an expanded list of movies featuring cyber attacks set in the United States, exploring various approaches and tones:

Live Free or Die Hard (2007): Action icon John McClane collaborates with a young hacker to thwart a cyber-terrorist aiming to cripple US infrastructure through a widespread attack.

The Crash (2017): This thriller depicts a unique scenario where the US government enlists a group of white-collar criminals with exceptional hacking skills to prevent a cyber attack that could devastate the nation’s economy.

WarGames (1983): A classic film that explores the potential consequences of cyber threats, even if its portrayal of hacking leans more towards the fictional side. In this story, a teenage hacker accidentally gains access to a military supercomputer, putting the world on the brink of nuclear war.

Blackhat (2015): This action-packed film offers a glimpse into international cooperation in the face of cybercrime. A convicted hacker is released from prison and offered a chance to redeem himself by assisting the US and Chinese governments in their pursuit of a cybercriminal responsible for a series of global attacks.

Snowden (2016): This biographical drama delves into the real-life story of Edward Snowden, a former intelligence contractor who leaked classified information revealing the vast extent of government surveillance programs, sparking a global debate on privacy and cybersecurity.

Zero Days (2016): This documentary explores the development and use of powerful cyber weapons known as “zero-day exploits,” highlighting the complex ethical and technological challenges surrounding such capabilities.

The Net (1995): This early entry in the cyber-thriller genre features Sandra Bullock as a computer analyst who stumbles upon a dangerous conspiracy after receiving a mysterious disk containing a hidden backdoor into a powerful security system.

These films showcase diverse approaches to the theme of cyber attacks, ranging from action-packed thrillers to thought-provoking documentaries, offering audiences a glimpse into the potential dangers and complexities of this ever-evolving landscape.

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